Sunday, May 13, 2012

Teachers are what makes the world go around..

Hi Everyone,
Sorry Im late for a post for last week.. But better late than never because it is one of the most important ones.. 
I wanted to honor Teacher Appreication Day/ Week and come to find out that was last week.. So here it goes..

Elementary School- Alot of these years are foggy but i know that each of these teachers are special in their own ways. I love them all with all my heart!!! 

Peter Pan- Kathy Curtis- Love you Aunt Kathy!!!!! 
PreK-2nd grade- Ms.Permonda, Ms. Bulhman, Mrs.Friday, Ms.Slighter- I dont remember much but you have help shape me into the woman I am today! Thank you!! 
3rd grade (both years) Mrs Kathy Green- One word sums her all up HERO!! I love her from the bottom of my heart and always will!! I do miss seeing her everyday though.. but she is the best pen-pal ever!! I wont lie, when she moved away I was one sad girl but I knew that we would stay in touch! <3 
4th grade- Ms.Perry- You are the sweetest. You taught me alot about myself. 
                   Ms.Haviland- I only recently learned that she passed away. I wish I could have told her that she made such an impact on my life. 

MIDDLE SCHOOL- Each one of these teachers taught me so many things in one way or another. Each have special qualities that are amazing as ever. 

5th grade- Mrs.Rossi- I remember the first time I met you.. You were so nice to me and welcoming.. But when you moved away.. I was devastated! Im so glad we reconnected!! Love you! 
                   Ms.Trudell- U taught me so much! You are the most caring person I know! I remember how you helped me in Field day things.. 
6th grade- Ms.Lee- I owe you more than you will ever know.. I know I was (Im not going to sugar coat) a pain in the ass.. I hated P.E. but I am forever grateful for you never giving up on me EVER.. You help me everyday 
                   Mr. Elliott- Youre such an amazing teacher.. you made middle school so fun with all the project you let us do.. You liking Reba was cool too. I miss your hugs!! 
                   Ms.Pennell- Your class was fun to do.. I remember having tons of laughs
                   Ms. Coe- I know Ive stated before that you are just the best.. but you are more than that.. You keep me grounded.. Your stories are timeless.. Your hugs are magic! You are one of the best people Ive met. Im so grateful I can call you a friend/hero. 
7th grade-Mrs.Campbell- You are sweet! You have always been in my corner and I appreciate that so much! 
                  Mrs.Zawacki- Your class was awesome.. I dont remember much but I do remember alot of great stories we read :) 
8th grade-Ms.Scheel- You are so fun. You made me feel so included in everything and still do. You are a true sweetheart!
                Mr. Erickson- You are an amazing science teacher. 8th grade year was such a blast.. one of my favorite years thanks to you! 

Other teachers/parapros -Mrs. Wonicki-Likavec (I love you tons and you know that I appreciate all the support and love from you), Mrs. Allison (thanks for all the help and advice, it is great to see you around sometimes),Mr. Logan (Thanks for helping me get to student aide in Mrs.Green class before she retired, you will never know how much that made my year!) , Mrs.Benjamin (Youre friendship means the world to me! I miss seeing you everyday at school) Ms.Vigus (You one of the sweetest people I Know.. You have helped me in so many ways I cant thank you enough.. I never really had you as a teacher but youve been a wonderful friend this past year!) , Mrs. VanWarmer (You are the greatest! You helped me is so many ways in school! You showed me that I can do anything and I am grateful for you in finding Destiny! I only wish I could have stayed connected with her!)

HIGH SCHOOL- I thank everyone of you for all you did for me.. Some teachers that stood out from all the rest are.....

Mr. Money- Thank you for all the great advice and showing me that teachers care. You are one awesome teacher and I am glad I can call you a friend.

Mrs. Anne Clayton- Thank you for showing me the world of art and helping me with it. I always will treasure those moments in art class. Also thank you for your friendship and guidance

Ms. Maddie Glomski- Thank you for all you did for me in French class. I learn so much from you and am grateful for it! Thank you also for your friendship, kindness, and guidance. You are an amazing support and I appreicate it more than you will ever know.

Mrs.Laurie Rose- You are a sweetheart. You are caring, fun, and so amazing. You showed me that I can write if I put my mind to it..

Other teachers that have impacted my life are Jane Hollingworth (she is family basically! I love her so much! Miss seeing her around!), My mom (she is basically been my hero since day one.. I dont say it as much as i should but she is the best!), and any other one that I missed due to my brain not working lol..

I believe with my whole heart that teachers are the most unappriecated people.. So I am going to take a minute and tell teachers that they matter to me personally.. Each one on this list and ones I may have forgotten are so special to me in their own little way! I love them with all my heart.. They continue to help me each and everyday!! I can only hope that I can live my life like each one of these people because they are true heroes in my book! If you know a teacher, call, Text, facebook, go see in person, them!! They are amazing! I would be where I am and continue to find me without so many of these people!! I love you all!! 

TTFN, Dream Girl 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jen. I have something for you. Stop by my blog and pick up your Kreativ Blog Award. Have a great day!!!!Love you.
