Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Hi Everyone, 

Sorry I haven't wrote in so long. Due to the weather we have been having my internet has been being not very nice. I am doing OK. Some days are better than others. I still have those nights that are terrible. Im slowing learning to look at the little things in life instead of looking at the negative side of everything. The girls (my chihuahuas Belle and Princess) and I would love to have spring. Snow and I don't mix very well.  Tonight topic is one that has been on my mind for a while now. 

Hope........ What is hope? Is it a women who defeated breast cancer and relapse and determined to beat it again? Is it thinking that someday things get better? Is it a person battling depression wanted to wake up with a smile on their face?

Hope is really just a feeling. When you think all is lost and you still think there is something to live for that is hope. Hope is living, hope is the one thing that separates us from animals. When we think something positive will happen to us, that is hope. When someone is thinking of suicide but decides that tomorrow is another day and that it can get better, that is hope. Hope is having something to look forward to even if you see only darkness. 

Here a poem from Emily Dickinson that is about hope: 



"Hope" is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest sea,
Yet never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

Hope is different for all people.. For a family with a little kid battling cancer it is at St. Jude Children Research Hospital. A woman working two jobs and coming home looking into her child eyes. A college student slaving away with homework and then graduating that is hope. Hope is found in the most tragic moments of life too. Losing a love one but finding comfort in a  friend is a example of when you can find hope.  

For me Hope can be small things and big things in life. On the days I didn't think I could go on anymore, finding hope in Reba and other people and making me what to go on with life. Seeing messages from friends just saying hi that is what makes me have hope. I have hope that one day I will figure where I belong. I have hope that my dream that I can speak to Reba McEntire will come true. Hope is what keeps me going day to day. Without hope I don't think I could live. Finding hope is one of the many challenges in ones life. 
Heres another poem I found about hope:

Hope is a warm blanket

In the winter night.

Heavy winds might shake it
But you'll hold it tight.

If they ever took it,
You would feel so cold.
Hope is a warm blanket
Left for you to hold.

Thank you for reading. If you would like to leave a comment you can here or on Facebook :) Love you all!! TTFN, DREAM GIRL 

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