Saturday, February 15, 2014

365 days of pictures: never forget your friends

This card I received in the mail a few months back and it carries a special place in my heart! It is from a very dear friend/teacher. She has never gave up on me even when I was a true witch to her. She helped me in so many ways I can't even begin to describe how Sandi Lee has helped me. She was the first P.E. to make me participate it every. She was tough.. But I look back on those days and I thank God each day Ms.Lee never gave up on me at all. She is a true hero and I'm blessed to have her in my life!! 

So many teachers don't realize the real impact they have on kids unless the kids speak up and for me I believe teachers are the world. I am blessed to be surrounded by many teachers that I called my friends/family and I love them with all my heart!! I thank each of you for never giving up on me!! 


1 comment:

  1. Each teacher who never gave up on you. Saw YOU and not your disability. They saw potential. They knew you could be a success. They were trying to teach you this. It's why they remain your friends. They don't plan to give up.
